Evaluating Pavement Condition
- On Jan, 03, 2017
- 1fercito87@gmail.com
- Highest Level
Paving is not just about servicing asphalt and concrete; we develop client relationships. We never accept shortcuts or compromises when it comes to the quality of our work. We always use the highest quality materials and state-of-the-art application techniques. Our promise is to virtually eliminate burden, guesswork, and unbudgeted expenses for our customers by doing it right the first time.
We strive to provide the highest level of pavement condition and life span, all in accordance with detailed specifications, budgets, timetables, and expectations, from asphalt to storm basins, we know parking lots better than anyone in the industry. Browse our extensive service offering to learn more.
Pavement investigation and evaluation services
Nth professionals perform network and project level analyses that include a visual condition survey of all paved surfaces as well as drainage and sub-structures to determine the types, extent and severity of observed distress. We analyze the data to determine pavement network needs, project priority, optimum strategies, and rehabilitation/restoration alternatives, as well as to perform cost/benefit analysis.
Non-destructive testing
Nth supplements field sampling, testing and visual condition surveys with nondestructive testing, such as dynamic deflection testing, ultrasonic testing, nuclear density testing and ground penetrating radar. We perform subsurface investigations to gather additional information using pavement cores to obtain existing cross-sections, soil test borings to obtain samples of base, sub-base and sub-grade layers, laboratory testing to determine soil characteristics and engineering properties, and dynamic deflection testing to provide a quantitative measure of the structural capacity.
Structural pavement design
Nth professionals create a structural pavement design that defines the type and thickness of pavement cross-sections based on an evaluation of sub-grade conditions, drainage, environmental factors, traffic loads, traffic patterns, desired service life and material availability.
Qa/qc and plant inspection
Our professionals observe and test sub-grade preparation, installation of sub-grade drainage systems, placement and compaction of aggregate base course, placement and compaction of bituminous materials, and concrete materials. We offer plant inspection, including calibration of the plant and testing of stockpiled material prior to the start of production. We monitor material handling procedures, mix proportions, mixing temperatures and mixing time during production, and sample the final mixtures to ensure conformance with project requirements and approved mix designs.
And not just the paving, we also design any other structures required, such as walls, fences, decking, gates, pergolas, drainage, childrens’ play areas, ponds and just about anything else you can think of. We work in conjunction with professional garden designers on projects where a complete landscape is needed, and bring in structural engineers for more complex construction problems.
Our designs conform to construction industry standards and can be used by builders, architects, designers as well as landscapers and paving companies, we can turn your rough sketches into properly detailed construction drawings, and, with certain types of paving, provide a 3d rendered visualisation of the completed works.
All our designs are supplied as full-colour print outs and/or as electronic media in the form of graphic, text and card files which can be imported into most of the most popular equivalent programs, Â Along with the main plan, we supply all necessary detail drawings and specification.